Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Worthy, or unworthy?

Uncle Buck had this idea of HUNTBLOG, that perhaps the power of the internet could be bent to the will of the HUNT. Some time ago, there was a HUNT website: http://www.geocities.com/theranchinwesttexas/thehunt, here was collected the lore of the HUNT, as actually written by the men thereof. Uncle Buck grew weary of HUNTWEB chores and so abandoned this duties after the 14th HUNT. Apparently no one was willing, or able to take up the cause of e-HUNT and the HUNT web has languished since.

Uncle Buck is reminded of a time long ago, an almost legendary time when the HUNT existed, nay flourished before email or the internet. How was this possible? Some say the same forces that cause a goose to fly south in winter drove the men of the HUNT to east Texas. Are those forces still at work in these modern times, can the men find their way to the HUNT? If so, is this so-called HUNTBLOG as pointless as everything else on the internet?

If HUNTBLOG is useful, the men of the HUNT will make it so by posting comments on the BLOG. And if unworthy (whether by gay-ness or technophobia or laziness) it will be flung into the fire (symbolically, at any rate). Whether e-HUNT is worthy or not, the great and true and real HUNT is coming! Uncle Buck will see you there


Anonymous said...

I think this may be the last HUNT ever! After the election the government will use bailout money to purchase all of the piney woods for use as subsidised housing of the increasingy growing number of processed cheese taking welfare moochers. Might as well not even go, OH MOTHER!

Anonymous said...
